Aug 27, 2009

Hell Is Right Here....Right Now...

".............Cut my life into pieces
              This is my last resort
              No breathing
              Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding........."

 .....thundered on the music system. I was slowly drifting into something a bit more than mere relaxation: deep sleep. But a sudden stop in the cog wheels jerk me back to my immediate surroundings. The music system has stopped. I squint through my half open eyes and see my mother with one hand one the power switch and the other holding my maths homework of 113 questions on Trigonometry, to be done for my “Extra Coaching Classes”(some call them tuitions. But I deem myself different in everything….) I sit up……..


This is my life……..No not mine………Our life…… The life of a few lakhs of students in  Kerala who were blessed by Goddess Luck in their Xth Boards and who were passed on to the XIth…….. Only to be subject to further tormenting…..
If you are in the Xth and are silently consoling yourself telling that you can enjoy yourself in the XIth and forget the Xth, I just want to say that you guys(and galz too) are in for the shock of your life. XIth is not your everyday cup of tea. There are battles to be fought, wars to be won, two years to spend in total turmoil and finally the entrance exams to conquer. Appalled? Read on and be….well, you know, more appalled……….
The relaxation syndrome…
After a grueling year spent among books, students raise themselves and joyously move on to the next level: only to find themselves swamped amidst more books and three guides for each book. So if you thought that the Xth was the grand daddy of them all, wake up buddy, and see the world….. the XIth is smiling on to you and the XIIth too is readying herself to bestow her part of tormenting on to you.  So quit seeing the class as an oasis between two deserts and wake up man..... The truth is indeed stranger than fiction.....

Due to this slight "misconception" from the part of the students, frequently, the houses of XIth Std students witness clashes between parents and children, with the children vying for a much earned freedom, while the parents coax them with things ranging from an iPhone to an all out gaming PC, so as to get their children to their tuition homes.[ The author is NOT encouraging those peaceful ones to take up arms too, lest their homes should witness such bloody battles too……]
It is also in the XIth that we enter into the Big league of “secondary students”. The ones who conduct various activities in school: something every student yearns to do(I don’t know about other schools. This is the case in my school, Loyola , and I think this is the same else where too.) It is in the XIth that we redefine the meaning of fun. Take an receive fun and learn a lot in the process.
The XIth also reconstructs the age old concept of the gurukul: a place where students went to the Guru’s house and learned stuff in exchange for a nominal dakshina. This is seen today in modern day tuition homes. Except for the nominal fees, that is. In fact the “dakshina” or fees there is just the opposite to nominal.
So if you are passing on to the XIth, then beware…… You are in for one heck of a ride…..
A ride that is threatening (exams, dude.... The same old question: will you fail or will you not), a ride that is death defying (fleeing from the teachers and if possible, the principal, for a late submitted assignment) and over all, a ride that is exhilarating to the core.
 The XIth maybe hard and may torment us to the point of breaking…. The XIIth may even be harder. We are tough and for the tough ones, XIth is yet another stroll in the park. For fun in the XIth and XIIth has an altogether different meaning.
I could write like this on and on…. But I just exceeded by browsing time by about five hours, plus, I have got 113 questions in Trigonometry,  grinning innocently (and at the same time wickedly [:x]) at me. That brings us to the important question of them all….
What exactly is